

Finding the right material from the right supplier is always one of the biggest challenges facing manufacturers and end users, Brothers FZC provides its clients with reliable and guaranteed sources for their material using its global network of suppliers and business partners, which secure client’s quality consistency and save time and money.


Brothers FZC provide the client with the opportunity to make use of its professional purchasing team who professionally handle all purchase processes such as RFQ, negotiation, approvals, contracting, order management, payment processes…etc.


Inspection & Testing

The company owns a good cleaning and processing facility of 5,000 sq.m located in Omdurman which contains 4 processing line beside warehousing facilities in crops souring areas and export ports.


Logistics process is one of the most important processes in supply chain management system which has direct and significant effect on all product cost and turn over, hence Brothers FZC pay special attention to provide premium logistics services which help clients to reduce material delivery lead time and transportation cost and in-turn maximize their profitability.


Other Advanced Services

Upon its clients request Brothers FZC provides many services to support their main processes and enhance overall organizations performance:

  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP).
  • Inventory Management,
  • Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Supply chain information collaboration and Management

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